Sunday, June 27, 2010

SQL Server Workload Consolidation

Whitepaper: SQL Server Workload Consolidation

While most database servers are lightly loaded, larger database workloads can be resource-intensive, exhibiting high I/O rates or consuming large amounts of memory. This whitepaper provides a good methodology for testing SQL server workloads to determine VM candidacy and placement:
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1 comment:

  1. With respect to the following above:

    >>While most database servers are lightly loaded

    here is something that you may also want to look into. There are workloads that can be virtualized and consolidated. If you have workloads that cannot be virtualized and run on servers which are broadly under-utilized, you can check out Silverline is a thin user space layer that sits between OS and application (db, other server apps) and allows you to harvest unused server CPU resources. You can run additional workloads, without impacting your primary workload driving up server utilization. It is intelligent resource control which harvest only unused server resources.

    Full disclosure: I work with Silverline team at Librato
